Sunday, February 17, 2013

Scavenger Hunt - Week #30

My son is home for the long weekend, and graciously agreed to help me with this week’s Scavenger Hunt.  I posed him “leaning” against a tree, but at this angle, he was squinting into the sun.  I should have known better...I learned not to do that in “Basic Photography 101!”

Before his patience ran too thin, I posed him leaning against a different tree with his back to the sun.  That was much better!

Thanks, Dave!

A son is...a man, with paths to walk, with bridges to cross, with mountains to climb.  A son is an amazing combination of all of these things, and he’s quietly thanked, every day of his life, for the priceless joy he brings. ~Douglas Pagels


  1. Another winner! You have such willing and patient subjects...well up to a point I'm sure.
    Enjoy the weekend together.

  2. Ahhh, nice that he's home for the weekend. And nice that he was willing to be your subject. Besides the fact that he's not squinting in the second image, I like that one better anyway. No distracting background and nice smile (even though that has nothing to do with the topic, just sayin').

    I also like the bw.

    And what a clever interpretation of the topic. Never would have thought of that.
